Thursday, July 5, 2012

Tatuaje-povesti scrise in suflet

Daca ati primit urmatoarele intrebari:
1.Sunt reale?
2.A durut?
3.Pot sa le ating?
4.Ce cred parintii tai?
5.Ce cred copiii tai?
6.Reprezinta ceva?
Inseamna ca aveti tatuaje.Sunt povesti scrise in piele pentru ca noi,tatuatii,nu am avut timp sa le punem pe hartie.
Raspunsul la 1 intrebare:Da,tatuajele mele sunt pe bune.Si sunt singurele lucruri cu adevarat reale din viata mea.
Raspunsul la a 2 a intrebare:Da,a durut cand au fost realizate.Atat de mult cata suferinta am indurat pana acum in viata asta pentru ca am mers pe principiul-Un barbat puternic nu face ceea ce trebuie ci ceea ce vrea!
Raspunsul la a 3 a intrebare:NU!
Raspunsul la a 4 a intrebare:Tatal meu uraste tatuajele mele si ale lui Alin pana in momentul cand spui ceva de rau fata de cerneala noastra din piele.Atunci devine scutul nostru numarul 1,bastionul nostru,cel mai mare aparator al nostru.
Raspunsul la a 5 a intrebare:Inca nu am copii si daca o sa vina vremea lor o sa-i educ sa nu judece lumea dupa culoarea pielii sau dupa tatuaje.
Raspunsul la a 6 a intrebare:Da.Inseamna totul numai ca nu e albumul tau de poze...


Nicki munches away on stage

Award winning singer/rapper Nicki Minaj Nando's restaurant staffs after she ordered £3,000 worth of their tasty take-away chicken in one go after her gig in Manchester last Thursday. Daily Star source close to the singer claimed she ordered 550 chicken legs, 300 chicken wings and 60 bottles of coke, adding it was enough to fill 'a whole car'.

In response A spokeswoman for Nando's restaurant confirmed Nicki is a fan. Hear her:
'A lot of the US artists are fans of Nando’s, like Rihanna,' she said. representative of the rapper said she probably had the order prearranged so she wouldn't miss closing time.

The Nando's in Spinningfield manchester where she made the order

'She finished her show at about 12 and she did a signing afterwards. I can't imagine Nando’s would have been open at that time. She was straight off back to America that night,' he said.
'She did a meet and greet thing after the show, and there was some after party that she went to. But I wouldn’t be surprised if she went to Nando's or had a big order from Nando's.'

Nicki's choice meals when on tour are:

For breakfast she has been known to order scrambled egg whites, turkey bacon, toast, Belgian waffles, strawberries, assorted juices and a large fruit platter.
Lunch meanwhile can consist of buckets of spicy fried chicken - no thighs, lot of wings - a large cheese platter, a deli tray filled with cold meats and a set of silverware to help shovel it all down.

With Ass like hers, well no amount of food should be too much.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


A Lifeguard Tomas Lopez's been fired for saving a drowning man.
Why? He left the section of a south Florida beach his company is paid to patrol. 

Lopez was on duty Monday at Hallandale Beach when a beachgoer asked for help. Lopez said he ran to assist a man struggling in the water south of his post.
By the time Lopez arrived, witnesses had pulled the drowning man out of the water. Lopez and an off-duty nurse helped him until paramedics arrived. The victim survived and was hospitalized.
For that, Lopez was fired.
Two other lifeguards have quit in protest.
On their part, his employesr the Orlando-based company, Jeff Ellis and Associates, says Lopez broke a company rule and could have put beachgoers in his section in jeopardy.