Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Barcelona vs Real Madrid 5-0
Cateva ganduri scrise te microbistii de pe www.e-pariuri.ro:
Interes enorm legat de acest meci,peste 11 mil euro jucate la betfair.
Pierdut echipa Real Madrid.O declar nula.
Poti sa faci bani frumosi daca ai o tesla sa o vinzi lui Mourinho.
Mare noroc pe Barcelona ca nu am mers cu o miza mai mare pe ei...Ca se termina 0-3 cu hat-trick Sergio Ramos.
Ce o fi fost in capul lui Mourinho la final cand tabela arata 5-0...El care le a inchis toate spatiile catalanilor cand antrena Inter
Eu sunt de parere ca real anul acesta nu va castiga nimic. DC!?
Pentru ca stilul "the special one" pur si simplu nu este compatibil cu gena real madrid..IN CL niciodata Real nu va baga fundul in poarta la barcelona sau manchester de ex, cum facea interul si chelsea .
Si mai este ceva ... baietii aia de la Barcelona joaca impreuna de cand erau mici ... se mai pune problema de omogenitate ? cu siguranta nu ... ei aduc cativa jucatori acolo unde chiar au nevoie ... la Real Madrid daca intr-un an nu se face performanta, anul viitor se schimba liniile ca la hochei ... pleaca 5-6 jucatori si vin alti 5-6 ... sa nu uitam ca si componenta nationalei Spaniei(campioana europeana si mondiala) este in proportie de 75 % formata din jucatorii Barcelonei ...
rau momente care-mi dadeau senzatia ca urmaresc un joc video gen fifa..
Stau si ma intreb cit poate sa fie de frustrant pt jucatori cu statura mai mare cind vezi ca esti pe post de tom iar niste soricei ascund efectiv mingea.
iniesta : 170 cm , 65 kg
xavi : 170cm, 68 kg
messi : 169 cm, 67 kg
villa : 175 cm , 69 kg
boja krkic : 170 cm , 65 kg
cind te uiti la rece pe aceste cifre si vezi ca rezultanta lor valoreaza zeci de milioane de euro... ce sa mai, fara cuvinte.
Le-au dat de le țiuie .
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Saturday, November 27, 2010
November 28- Dec. 4
National Journalism Week 2010 takes on greater importance and resonance than in recent years, as the fraternity has been confronted with mounting criticisms. This commemorative week will present an opportunity for the Press Association of Jamaica (PAJ), to not only rightfully celebrate its achievements, but to also reflect on its journey on the 'road' of democracy - assessing how far it has come and how much farther it has to go.
The PAJ for over sixty-five (65) years has been a purveyor of our country's democracy, consistently placing in the public domain, information with a high degree of credibility. This is crucial, especially in a dynamic environment, with competing forces and intents; and where fiction can oftentimes be skewed to resemble facts.
Our nation's journalists face a difficult task in the pursuance of their mandate, as they are vulnerable to massive lawsuits and libel charges. The Government has given its commitment to reviewing the outdated libel laws and has taken steps in that direction. We must recognize that while the truth must be ferreted out from those 'dark corners' and brought into the light; we should also be mindful that a balance must be reached between probity, accuracy and sensitivity and that the lawful rights and reputations of our people are not breached, but protected and remain in tact.
Jamaica boasts some of the best media practitioners who have brought the profession to a place of wide acclaim; and I would like to add my own commendations to these sterling professionals.
I wish for your organization every success in its planned activities for this important week.
Bruce Golding
Honourable Prime Minister
Message from PAJ President Jenni Campbell
We recognize the role of the press in Jamaica as critical to the very existence of our democracy. In fact, at the heart of what we do is how we interface with the public and provide our wider society with access to the national dialogue.
We ask questions of public officials on behalf of our people, we provide public information that leads to important personal choices.
In doing so, we bear a heavy burden of truth and accuracy. We must seek to get it right the first time. We know that often, words once spoken can hardly be retrieved and a good reputation is hard to come by.
We also know that being the eyes and ears of the public, we see and hear more than the average Jamaican.
We have seen the depth of poverty that many of our country men and women face daily. We have seen suffering, we have seen corruption. Equally, we have seen triumph and glory.
As passionate storytellers who stand in the gap, we are not immune to the true meaning of all that we see. We may claim that we are mere conduits, but we too, are often moved by the happenings about which we report daily.
As we face the job moving forward, I urge our fraternity to look within, seek out ways in which we can stand together to make positive changes in our society.
Earlier this year, we saw the RJR Group embark on a project to help our earthquake devastated neighbours in Haiti, we saw The Gleaner leading a campaign through its pages against crime and violence. As a body, the PAJ will lead national campaigns towards the restoration of respect for all and a return to the rule of law and order. We ask our membership to support these campaigns through public service announcements, blurbs and special projects, so that the message becomes a mantra to all of us.
If it is that we intend to live in Jamaica land we love, we must agree that things must be done differently, and as we stand in the gap - peddling truth, rights and integrity, we must be prepared to lead from our sphere of influence.
Sent from my BlackBerry® device from Digicel
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Bwin bonus
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Deschiderea unui cont este o procedura simpla care poate fi realizata prin completarea unui formular cu datele dumneavoastra personale.
Pentru noii clienti, Bwin are o surpriza, mai exact acesta ofera un bonus care poate ajunge pana la 100 RON. Tot ceea ce trebuie sa faceti este sa va deschideti un cont si sa depuneti bani in contul dumneavoastra.
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Real Talk Football News – 24/11/2010
We start with Arsenal, who went on to lose to Sporting Braga last night after they collapsed against Tottenham at the weekend. However Arsenal like to make things difficult for themselves in the Champions League, but should qualify from the group. Also they are just one win off the top spot, so all this negativity surrounding Wenger needs to be eased. A few players need to pull their weight more, but it’s not the end of the World.
Onto everyone’s favourite trouble maker; Luis Suarez. The talented Uruguayan has received a seven match ban for biting opposition PSV Eindhoven midfielder Otman Bakkal. The video of which can be seen below.
Wayne Rooney made his long awaited return for Manchester United, in a dull 2-0 win against Wigan. The striker apparently returned a stone lighter. Interesting to see how the England striker performs from now on.
Also Arsenal midfielder Aaron Ramsey played 45minutes for the reserves on Tuesday afternoon against Wolves. The 19 year old broke his leg against Stoke in February. The first big step on the road to recovery which is welcome sign from many football fans.
In relegation battle news, West Ham have mutually terminated (if you will) the contract of Avram Grant’s assistant Zeljko Petrovic after he was branded out of touch and arrogant. His influence on the squad must have been a negative one, and his role was ended following the 3-0 defeat this Sunday.
He came out today though, with some heavy criticism of his own stating that; "Everybody has great words for the Premier League but it is a myth. The Premier League is a c*** league, it is nothing.” He went on to add "In truth the level is shocking. Every team has just three good players. If you take those players out of the teams then there are only players left who would not be playing in the bottom team in Holland. The Bundesliga is far better."
To be honest, no one even really knew this guy was here so I don’t think anyone cares he left, or what his opinion is.
Finally, FIFA have posted their 10 nominees for “FIFA Puskas Award 2010” which celebrates the best goal from last season. There are ten wonder goals on the FIFA website, which can be viewed here; but this is my favourite. Take a bow son!
Monday, November 22, 2010
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49.Incearca cele 233 de retele sociale mai mici.Intra aici http://vandelaydesign.com/blog/social-media/list-social-networks/
Jostling for power in the JLP
GOLDING... 2010 is his annus horribilis
Observer column | Jean Lowrie-Chin |Monday, November 22, 2010
Suddenly there is a chorus of "me first" in the Jamaica Labour Party. It seems that Christopher Tufton's triumph over Horace Chang for the JLP Area Four leadership has whetted the appetite of his Labourite colleagues. Deputy General Secretary Dr Aundre Franklin had been muscling up for the general secretary post when Daryl Vaz let him know that it would be no cakewalk. Mercifully, Karl Samuda has finally decided to withdraw from the race and so this will be a fight between the young bucks.
Then, out of the blue, veteran Mike Henry announced that he would be challenging fellow veteran Dr Kenneth Baugh for the chairmanship of the party. Karl Samuda has disclosed that he is backing Baugh. For this masterful campaigner to declare his support of two contenders in two different contests is significant. We should not forget that he was firmly behind the wheel for the 2007 JLP campaign and was able to take Bruce Golding past the popular Portia Simpson Miller, who had enjoyed a 20-25 per cent lead over her opponent just over a year before.
In a forum held at UWI's Mona School of Business a few months after the '07 elections, Karl Samuda told us of their unremitting efforts: "We drank gallons of coffee. We were a think tank that never slept." He said he had learnt an important lesson from the way the PNP had used their "cock mout' kill cock" campaign against him, after he had left them to return to the JLP. The savvy campaigner "started to use the voice of the individual to attack the individual".
Mr Samuda said they turned the spotlight on a negative incident featuring Mrs Simpson Miller. The "don't draw mi tongue" ad juxtaposing the then PM and Audley Shaw in what seemed like a heated argument featured clever editing and some digital manipulation at the end of the commercial. Sounds like whoever has Mr Samuda in his corner has a savvy strategist who has been able to win seats wearing either party hat.
If these internal party elections are allowed to proceed free from fear, we should have exciting matches to watch. However, fear has reared its ugly head in two sordid reports, from the west and from the east. One is an allegation that former Montego Bay Mayor Noel Donaldson has been threatened for his backing of Chris Tufton over the incumbent Horace Chang. Then there are the disturbing accusations of St Thomas businessman Ian Johnson against Member of Parliament and Mining and Energy Minister James Robertson.
We heard Johnson on the Newstalk programme Jamaica Speaks describing the trauma of seeing his mother in the morgue at the Princess Margaret Hospital with three bullet wounds. However, we have no idea who was responsible for her tragic demise, so we have to wait for a proper investigation before anyone can point fingers. To be falsely accused of a heinous crime must be one of the most devastating things to happen to a human being.
With these allegations of Labourite against Labourite, the Manatt, Phelps & Phillips issue, and this sudden jostling for power in the party, one wonders if there is some expectation that the leadership post may be vacated and if these contenders are lining up to be heir to the throne. To quote from Miss Lou's poem Back to Africa: "Wat a debil of a bump an' bore, rig-jig and palam pam!" This has been a hectic year and I would say to the hypertensive: make sure you fill your prescription because more excitement is definitely in store for us.
Olint head David Smith is now in the US, and the pundits are predicting that some of his evidence may very well "join the dots" in this ever growing mystery of who is in whose pocket.
There are calls for the prime minister to comment on the accusations against Mr Robertson. Perhaps Mr Golding is becoming a very silent philosopher after previous statements and apologies. He may be quietly hoping that this is a painful prelude to the "exorcism" of disgraceful political behaviour rightly demanded in an editorial in last week's Observer. Can he get away with saying nothing? Will he store up everything for his exit or for announcing a renewed JLP? This is being written two days before his address to the JLP conference - this morning we should know the direction he is taking.
Whatever may have transpired yesterday, every Jamaican should understand that we can have a hand in healing our country of this disease that has crippled our poor and dispossessed. Why is our music so violent and vulgar? Because it reflects the deprivation of our Jamaican brothers and sisters, trapped on the gully sides and in the ghettos by vote-seeking politicians. Because it expresses the depravity of those who are torn between becoming victim or aggressor.
Every time we shake our heads at the disturbing lyrics of the dancehall, we should know that they come out of this terrible environment. Every time we worry about our own personal safety, we should ask ourselves what we have done towards condemning the horrible politics in our country that has spawned so many menacing thugs.
We need to partner with our democratically elected political representatives - offer our support for impartial and honest constituency development and refuse to associate with any form of corruption. This is a very small country and politicians should stop being coy about what we know that they know.
Pollster Don Anderson announced on CVM-TV last week that Opposition Leader Simpson Miller is now 10 per cent ahead of PM Golding in the popularity ratings.
All in all, this has been Bruce Golding's annus horribilis, a year he could not have imagined on that mellow day of his inauguration as when he stated his resolve "that youth...no matter how shabbily he may be dressed ... will be protected and his dignity respected." Realising that this would be a huge challenge, he then added, "The task before me is enormous. But the Lord is the strength of my life. Of nothing shall I be afraid." For Jamaica's sake, we hope so.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Mancini: One Year at Eastlands
The 45 year old took his time to reply and stated simple that they “have improved”, and continued to defend his corner when being pushed by the journalist stating that “by the end of the season, we will be in the Champions League and (we) will win something”.
Confident words and a confidence response, the video of which can be seen here. However the real question to ask is; with their millions of pound twined with the calibre of players in the Manchester City squad, is there any real substance to Mancini’s claims?
Under former boss Mark Hughes, it was clear that being at the helm before the new owners took charge; ultimately meant his time in charge would be limited, however during his spell at the Eastlands club, he had amassed a number of great victories, including two big wins over Arsenal, a win over Chelsea and thrilling encounters in matches against local rivals Manchester United.
But most importantly was the sense that under his guidance, and with his free flowing attacking Manchester City side, it would not be such a silly statement to believe that they would make it into the Champions League sooner rather than later, establishing them as a serious threat to other teams at the top of the division.
It would now be argued, that with following his poorly handled dismissal, Man City’s signing’s are a step forward and those which should have any football fan drooling, but football wise, the club has taken a step backwards.
Under Mark Hughes, the club were scoring goals, their strong-arm tactics were ruffling feathers and many clubs couldn’t handle this new found City side and their new found ability to outplay sides, making them look a certainty for that elusive fourth spot.
However Mancini was drafted in, boasting three Serie A titles in the bag, and the experience of working with high calibre names. His first few months in charge saw a slowdown in Man City’s free flowing attacking prowess and saw a more resolute and compact side emerge, one that in the end cost them the much craved 4th spot, losing out to Tottenham.
Now after a summer of activity, which has seen them spend money like its heading out of fashion, saw the likes of the talented yet temperamental Italian/Ghanaian Mario Balotelli (£24 million), Midfield powerhouse Yaya Toure (£28 million), attacking midfielder David Silva (£24 million), left back Aleksander Kolarov (£16 million), versatile defender Jerome Boateng (£11 million) and exciting midfielder James Milner (£24 million) all join the club, saw a team with an array of players good enough to contend for the Champions League crown let alone the Premiership title.
But with this in mind, despite Man City progressing as they should with the quality on show, they are still not meeting their full potential and for me these boils down to one sole entity; and that is that of boss Roberto Mancini.
Despite beating a few of the big teams on the odd occasion, Mancini seems to be satisfied just to match these "big teams" rather than play to win (the Manchester United 0-0 draw comes to mind). The defensive minded 4-5-1/4-2-3-1 formation, may just about overpower some of the “smaller” teams, but Manchester City fans “revolution” seems to have stalled, with them and pundits alike not really too impressed.
Fair enough Mancini’s player need time to gel, but I feel that when you pay a lot of money for these kinds of players, and you have a mix of players who have Premiership experience (Such Bridge, Richards, Hart, Given, Barry, Adebayor, Tevez) you don’t need as much time to adapt to the Premiership, as the bunch coming in from overseas.
Also Mancini may state that his side are now “playing as a team” and “doesn’t concede a lot of goals” and so on, but the potential of Man City to be World beater is that which cannot be ignored.
In the Premiership, it’s known for its fast paced, all action, highly committed open football. Not defensive minded tactics, no nonsense “stop at all means necessary” defending and holding midfielders.
Mancini needs to consider toning down the defensiveness and adapting a more expansive approach in order to ascertain the heights Man City are capable of reaching, as the Sheiks patience may be shorter than it seems.
Allow De Jong to anchor the midfield, while Yaya Toure runs the midfield. Play Milner on the right wing, with Adam Johnson on the left, allowing for them to switch sides and get forward. With Yaya and De Jong in the middle, the freedom going forward will be greater as the two central players have great engines and are just as comfortable tackling as they are passing.
In defence, keep the Kompany and Toure partnership as they create the foundation for the side. Kolo Toure has great experience, while Kompany is a highly skilled individual with an eye for the game. Lescott, Boateng and the young Boyata are more than admirable deputies.
Full backs are the area’s whereby the side could definitely need strengthening, I’m not one for rumours, but Dani Alves of Barcelona is a name being touted around. For now Richards is a capable right back, while Boateng’s versatility allows for him to cover at right back.
The frontline is the most intriguing part of the Man City’s line-up, with a combined value of £122.5 million; the options available are the envy of any club in the World. With the disruptive influence of Emmanuel Adebayor, he would have no place in my team, and Mancini seems to feel the same.
J ô seems to be favoured by Mancini and must be impressing in training as after previous spells away from the club on loan, he has been given his chance in the team, all be it from the subs bench. Roque Santa Cruz pretty much has no future at the club, and is expected to leave this January. With his injury prone nature and lack of goals, he is expendable.
Finally we come the final three strikers, two of which need to slot into the starting eleven. For me, Tevez is one of the best players in the World, hence for that reason, he has to start. Supporting him; the highly creative and technically gifted David Silva would be an excellent link between midfield and the strikers; however I feel Balotelli’s ability, value for his worth would make him a starter and be capable of forming an excellent partnership with Tevez upfront.
This, of course is just my opinion, and my feelings to what I would do if I was under as much scrutiny as Mancini is. Manchester City has an abundance of riches as well as an abundance of talent, however with these great expectations come great responsibility. Champions League qualification, and some form of silverware is the benchmark for this season, and unless Mancini start delivering on his promises, he could be on his way out sooner rather than later.
What are your thoughts on Roberto Mancini’s reign? How long do you guys think it will last? What does the future hold for Man City? Let us know what you think
Friday, November 19, 2010
Real Talk Football Update
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Everyday Prayer
I thank You for this day.
I'm blessed because You are a forgiving God and an understanding God.
You have done so much for me and You keep on blessing me.
Forgive me this day for everything I have done, said or thought that was not pleasing to you.
I ask now for Your forgiveness.
Please keep me safe
from all danger and harm. Help me to start this day with a new attitude and plenty of gratitude.
Let me make the best of each and every day to clear my mind so that I can hear from You... Please broaden my mind that I can accept all things.
Let me not whine and whimper over things I have no control over. And give me the best response when I'm pushed beyond my limits. I know that when I can't pray, You listen to my heart. Continue to use me to do Your will. Continue to bless me that I may be a blessing to others. Keep me strong that I may help the weak...Keep me uplifted that I may have words of encouragement for others.
I pray for those that are lost and can't find their way. I pray for those that are misjudged and misunderstood. I pray for those that don't believe.
I pray for my family and friends. I pray for peace, love and joy in their homes; that they are well or recovering well, and all their needs are met.
I pray that every eye that reads this knows there is no problem, circumstance, or situation greater than God.
Every battle is in Your hands for You to fight.
I pray that these words be received into the hearts of every eye that sees it in Jesus' name.
Sent from my BlackBerry® device from Digicel
Friday, November 12, 2010
JA book drive makes Guinness Book of Records!
The last time I communicated with the recipients of this email was the morning of May 1 2010. Then I was announcing the official start of the Guinness World Record attempt.
The Rotary Clubs of Jamaica is now the official holder of the Guinness World Record for the Most Books Donated To Charity In Seven Days. The record is now 657,061.
All of you made this possible - in various ways. We have thanked you in the press and now that it is official, I will write to each organization - more than 150 inside and outside of Jamaica who made this happen. I just wanted you to know that the certificate arrived yesterday.
Thank you so very much. Jamaica has set another world record. This time - a record for charity. And we did so working together - public sector, private sector, NGOs, individuals, international partners.
Many, many thanks!
Best, Deika
Sent from my BlackBerry® device from Digicel
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Leapsa preluata de la WaLy
Aleg Bataie pentru ca sunt antrenat specific.
2. 3+4=5 este posibil???
Eu am facut matematica cu profesorul de desen dar din ce stiu matematic nu e posibil.
3. Daca cineva maine iti pune pe masa 1 milion de euro si iti spune sa omori pe cel mai bun prieten/a, ai face-o???
Niciodata,nu calc pe cadavrele prietenilor mei.
4. Spui intotdeauna adevarul???
Nu.Sinceritatea dauneaza sanatatii.:D
5. Esti la un pas sa-ti realizezi cel mai mare vis al tau. Pentru a reusi trebuie sa faci un compromis pe care in mod normal nu l-ai face. De retinut e ca de nu faci acel compromis s-a zis cu visul tau pentru totdeauna. Ce faci???
Depinde de compromis.
6.Ai inselat, furat vreodata???
Da la ambele intrebari.Traiesc in Romania,asa se fac banii aici.
7.Ce parere ai despre zicala: "Creeaza-i unui om DORINTA si se va fute pe ele principii, vise, etc"???
Urmatoarea intrebare.:D
8. Ti s-a facut vreodata o observatie negativa in pat? Daca da care a fost aceasta???
9. Esti in situatia de a decide intr-o situatie fara iesire. Trebuie sa ordoni moartea a unui milion de oameni pentru a salva alti 5 miliarde. Daca nu-i sacrifici pe cei 1 milion , atunci vor muri toti. Care e decizia ta???
Sacrific 1 milion.
11. Pentru ce suma ti-ai inchiria timp de o saptamana partenera/ul???
N am avut talent de peste...Nu mi inchiriez partenera niciodata.
12. Daca nu ai avea ce manca ai da in cap cuiva???
13. Cand ai facut ultima oara sex si cu cine???
Acum cateva zile.Nu dau nume.
14. Iti prinzi partenerul in pat cu o alta persoana in timpul actului sexual. Cum reactionezi???
Iubesc si urasc la aceeasi intensitate.Ii spitalizez pe amandoi.(cel putin)
15. Daca ai fi Dumnezeu pentru o zi care ar fi primele 7 lucruri pe care le-ai face???
As mai elimina din tentatii...
16. Dai bani la cersatori???
Da.Dar am un stil al meu...:D
17. Maine e sfarsitul lumii. Ai 24 de ore la dipozitie. Ce ai face in aceste 24 de ore???
As zambi.
18. Esti intr-o celula de 2/2 cu inca un partener de 10 ani. In tot acest timp ai fost pus/a la cele mai groaznice chinuri posibile. Intr-o zi ti se ofera posibilitatea de a scapa toate acestea. Trebuie doar sa-i oferi cele mai goznice chinuri colegului de celula timp de 2 ani. Ce alegi? Sa te chinuie in continuare sau sa-l chinui tu pe colegul de celula???
Nu o sa torn nicioadata pe nimeni ca sa scap eu,nu ma sperie nimic,asa ca acel coleg de celula e in siguranta.
19. Intr-o zi te suna cineva si iti spune ca stie cel mai groaznic secret al tau. Daca nu-i dai ce si cat vrea va spune tuturor. Daca s-ar afla, acel secret ar distruge tot ce ai cladit, ai pierde totul. Ce vei face in continuare???
Nu o sa i dau nimic.O sa l vanez toata viata.
20. O parere personala obiectiva despre autorul care ti-a trimis leapsa. Minim 50 de caractere.
Pe Waly nu l cunosc personal,dar are umor si e original.Bafta
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Barbatii despre femei
Cand o femeie nu vorbeste, sa n-o intrerupi pentru nimic in lume. (Enriyeu Castaldo)
Feminismul exista doar pentru a integra femeile urite in societate. (Bukowski)
Prin a renunta, femeile inteleg o scurta pauza intre doua dorinte. (MarioAdorf)
Cind femeile nu mai stiu ce sa faca, se dezbraca. Si acest lucru e probabil singurul lucru bun pe care il pot face. (Samuel Beckett)
Bunul renume al unei femei se datoreaza tacerii mai multor barbati. (Maurice Chevalier)
Un barbat intelept nu isi contrazice nevasta. El asteapta pina o face ea singura. (Humphrey Bogart)
Marea intrebare, la care nu stiu sa raspund in ciuda a treizeci de ani de studiu despre femei, este urmatoarea: "Ce vrea de fapt o femeie?" (Sigmund Freud)
Cind o femeie isi contureaza buzele, este ca si cind un soldat isi curata mitraliera. (Bob Hope)
Femeile trateaza in special ranile provocate de ele. (Jacques Marchand)
Friday, November 5, 2010
Prof. Barry Chevannes - Jamaica's Beloved Peacemaker
Barry Chevannes’ message to the gunman: 'You can choose not to kill'
Jean Lowrie-Chin | Jamaica Observer | Monday, January 31, 2005
If you know a gunman, if you know a don man, could you give him Barry's message? Mister gunman, Mister don man, Barry Chevannes wants you to know that you're human, not an animal. He knows you have the power of choice. You are not a fly that must breed in garbage, you can remove yourself from the garbage. Just as you chose to kill, you can choose NOT to kill. You have a human will - you are not programmed to kill.
If anybody feels your pain, it is Barry Chevannes. Sure, he has the handle of "Professor", but that journey took him to St George's College from Glengoffe, St Catherine, every day with no breakfast in his belly. "The priests noticed I was listless and arranged with a lady to serve me breakfast, but after a while I stopped going. I was self-conscious, embarrassed."
St George's was a caring institution, he recalls, and remembers the good times shared with lifelong friend and teacher Horace Levy, classmates Norman Wright, Trevor Appleton, Walter Campbell, Tony Wong and Peter Judah. He was also a contemporary of Trevor Munroe and Ronnie Thwaites. "The Jesuits instilled in us a sense of calling," he says. "They told us that God had a design and we were to find it."
They nurtured the ideals of this brilliant boy, who decided to serve his people by entering the priesthood. He studied in Massachusetts from 1959 to 1966 in the fine ferment of the Black Civil Rights Movement. Fate thrust him in the vanguard of a march down Commonwealth Avenue in Boston, sharing the frontline with none other than Martin Luther King Jr as he strode into history. "I kept looking across, watching his face. I was so moved by his passion for his people that I wanted to work with blacks in the south."
But Barry's homeland had plans for him. He was away when Jamaica became independent, but joyfully received her anthem and learned it by heart. "When the plane touched down in Kingston in 1966, I found myself singing the anthem, glad to be home."
Barry Chevannes taught Latin at Campion College while teaching himself how to play the guitar. Then he joined Father Schecher in a two-roomed house in Rose Town, as they decided that church was too far from the people and began to share more deeply in their lives. I remember the long-robed scholastic Mr Chevannes earnestly teaching the rudiments of philosophy to our joint Alpha-George's sixth-form class. Best of all, I remember the "Spirit of the Laad" in his hymns about Pentecost, the Birth of Christ, Ruth and Naomi.
After receiving permission from his superiors to enrol at the UWI to study sociology, he finally decided that a celibate life was not for him. His thesis on the Rastafarians earned him his degree in social anthropology, and he continued at Columbia University with an even more in-depth study on them.
But the teachings of his practical mother, his kindly father and the caring Jesuits at St George's remained with him, as he mentored his students and used his findings to make important initiatives. He was also influenced by sociologist C Wright Mills who believed that sociology should be solution-oriented. He founded Fathers Inc, the organisers of the Model Father Competition, in 1991, and Partners for Peace in 1997. The Centre for Studies in Public Safety and Justice established a few weeks ago, and headed by Dr Anthony Harriott, is a direct outcome of this movement.
A Study on Urban Poverty and Violence was a joint project of Horace Levy and Barry Chevannes. The title of the final publication was "They Cry Respect", as their findings showed the alienation and disrespect suffered by Jamaica's poor. "Unemployment and poverty are not causes, but the conditions that breed crime," Barry believes.
The passing decades have added an edge of urgency to his earnestness. The gun has now become part of the accoutrements of manhood among our poor youth, he observes. "These factors will not be solved overnight. This is a mind-set that will now have to be unset with re-education and transformation. I believe job creation is key to this transformation."
"We need to approach the gunman through his friends, and help him unravel this knot of discontent that sends bullets to a man's heart," Barry believes.
Barry and his wife Pauletta have seen too much good come out of their efforts to ever give up on their country. Pauletta was principal of Charlie Smith High School for many years and Barry remembers her commitment to her students - mentoring, feeding the football team in training. Barry has seen the Partnership for Peace help to transform several individuals, including Sandra Sewell of August Town, who became a powerful force for peace. "It was a terrible blow when she was murdered last year," he says painfully.
It could not be a coincidence that Barry attended a meeting called by the US visionary Robert Roskind last year, to discuss plans for a peace concert to mark Bob Marley's 60th birthday. "I thought, why not make it a violence-free day? Robert and Colin Leslie embraced the idea, and Dimario McDowell's inspired graphics have given it impact. It is heartening to see the support from our entertainment personalities, the Ministry of Health Violence Prevention Programme, Jamaica National Building Society, CVM, JIS, TVJ, Worldtron, Hands Across Jamaica. Both the PNP and the JLP have endorsed our project. Miss Lindsay from Devon House called to ask how she could help, and now has a sign outside Devon House supporting our cause."
Barry wants February 6, No-Violence Day, to be the beginning of our movement for peace. "I am not so naïve to believe this will be easy," he says. "We have to change the conditions to sustain the peace. But you have to start. If you sit and contemplate how far the journey is, instead of taking the first step, you will never start."
So blessed - it's a test!
This map with Tomas' track over the past week shows how blessed Jamaica is.
Just so we don't get too carried away, we need to remember that "to them that much is given, much is required."
Once more the good Lord wants to see how an uninjured Jamaica will help an injured Haiti.
Please go to www.foodforthepoor.org and make your donation now.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Damien Comolli: The New Face at Anfield
Comolli, now 38 years old, previously spent 7 years at Arsenal, after joining from the AS Monaco coaching staff, and while working amongst one of the best scouting teams in the World he was credited with finding the likes of Kolo Toure, Gael Clichy and Emmanuel Eboue.
He then spent a year back in France with Saint-Etienne, before returning to English football as Director of football at Tottenham Hotspur, where he stayed at the club for three years, before returning to Saint-Etienne in 2008, leaving amongst harsh criticism due his role in signing certain players, along with the underperforming coach Juande Ramos.
Now, two years later, he has signed up to the mini-revolution occurring at Anfield. With the new owners NESV in charge, they stated that Comolli’s appointment as Director of Football Strategy, will not only require him oversee the pursuing new young talent, but also add quality players to the club. He is also expected to work closely with boss Roy Hodgson.
His track record is very good, in his time he has brought in the likes of Luka Modric, Benoit Assou-Ekotto, Dimitar Berbatov, Gareth Bale, and Gomes to Tottenham. Players who have all proved their worth at the club and are now first team regulars, while Berbatov saw the club make a £20million profit.
On the subject of Gareth Bale, the Weslshman was brought to the club as a 17 year old and has is now showcasing his fantastic potential and is a player who has impressed and improved in this past year, with his excellent performances in the Premiership against the likes of Manchester United and Chelsea, as well as his sensational performances against Inter Milan, in Spurs first ever Champions League campaign.
Camolli spoke to the BBC Sport website, and he recalls his first memories of scouting the him as a 17 year old explaining “When I watched him for the first time I was gobsmacked"
"He was already showing the strength, the technical ability, the confidence to take people on, the pace, the quality left foot, the work-rate. He had it all.”
He then went on to add one of the greatest comparisons a football could receive, let alone a left back, stating that “I remember coming back from scouting him and thinking 'I've seen the new Paolo Maldini.”
As any scout, there have been a few misses. These include the likes of Ricardo Rocha; who had a poor spell at Spurs, along with Kevin Prince Boateng, who found more success on loan at Portsmouth and on International duty then at White Hart Lane, and Darren Bent who also underperformed at Spurs but has displayed his goal scoring ability and prowess at Sunderland. More names include David Bentley, Gilberto, Pascal Chimbonda, Hossam Ghaly and Giovani Dos Santos.
As stated before, it will be intriguing to see how his role impacts the club. It could be beneficial in the sense of bring some much need composer and common sense to Liverpool’s somewhat hit and miss transfer record in the last 5 years.
On the other hand it could be disruptive to the club, as during his time at Tottenham he was give a sufficient amount of time, but the club wasn’t performing on the pitch, which saw him leave the club.
His signings however have definitely been value for money, but they needed time to prove their worth. This again highlights the importance for Liverpool fans to be patient, and will be needed once Comolli gives the go ahead for certain transfers.
This new presence amongst the club should give a greater understanding to some of the finer details regarding players already in the Premiership, and help Hodgson to be more tactically astute and help churn out the victories on the pitch, with the club being a lot more fruitful in the transfer market. Some much needed knowledge and knowhow on Anfield aimed at getting Liverpool back on track, so more promising things to come for Liverpool fans as the club finally look like they’re getting their act together.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Umbrele si umbrelute
Am preluat leapsa "Umbrele si umrelute" de la Filip mai precis http://blogshot.ro/umbrele-si-umbrelute/.Ce mi doresc eu si cred ca o sa mi cumpar in curand o umbrela neagra cu sigla Bwin,doar sunt parior.Culoarea neagra se potriveste in unui barbat care stie ce vrea de la viata.Leapsa o dau mai departe lui Smiley_tgv ,Terra si Wally.Ideea originala a lepsei asteia, era ceva de genu` “puneti poze cu umbrelute…colorate…dragutele.Bafta
Monday, November 1, 2010
Norma Shirley - Jamaica's Culinary Legend - Rest in Peace
Time to work on our strengths
TURNING THE CORNER ON CORRUPTION... DPP Paula Llewellyn and Contractor General Greg Christie greet each other heartily after Prof Trevor Munroe (centre) revealed that Jamaica had improved its standing in the Corruption Perception Index. (Photo: Aston Spaulding)
Jean Lowrie-Chin | Monday, November 01, 2010 | Jamaica
EVEN our non-VIP tickets for the Bill Clinton Lecture last Monday were pricey, so I hope that by sharing it in this column, readers will get my money's worth. The audience hung on to Mr Clinton's every word — not because he told us anything we didn't know, but because this former leader of the world's most powerful country laid out his findings so well.
Mr Clinton said the mapping of the human genome revealed that, regardless of race, colour, creed or financial status, the genome sequence is almost exactly the same (99.9 per cent) in all people. This is the "common humanity" which was the theme of his address. He appealed to us to change our mindset from focusing on the 0.1per cent of what makes us different, to the 99.9 per cent of what we have in common. "We have to find solutions in which everyone can win," he urged, as he described himself as a "clear-eyed, hard-headed idealist".
When moderator Nigel Clarke posed the question, "How would you restore hope?" Mr Clinton related the rise of Rwanda from the massacre of 1994, in which 10 per cent of the country's population, an estimated 800,000, was lost in a terrible genocide. "In 1998, Rwanda's per capita income was $268 per year. Ten years later, it was $1,000... The people of Rwanda made up their minds to imagine a future that was different from their past."
He told us the story of a Tutsi basket-weaver, "Miss Cassi", who had lost her husband and seven of her 10 children in the massacre (her other three children were serving elsewhere in the military). She reached out to another lady from the other ethnic group and said, "Let's begin again." They created such exquisite baskets that they became popular, even in New York department stores.
As the business grew, young men joined the workforce. One day a 26-year-old worker confessed to his boss, Miss Cassi: "I killed one of your children." So filled with remorse was he that he told her that she should send for one of her sons in the military to come and kill him. "What good would that do?" asked the noble lady. "Go back to work!"
Could our human rights groups challenge themselves to this higher form of thinking, instead promoting this toxic atmosphere of conflict in our society? Could they use their influence to help the PMI heal our communities?
The former US President also commented on Jamaica's burdensome cost of electricity. Referring to our access to solar and wind power, he said, "The Caribbean could be the only region in the world to become the most energy self-sufficient." But where is the political will? Nearly 20 years ago the Jamaica Flour Mills sponsored a solar-oven project implemented by the resourceful Claudette Wilmot. She used about $300 worth of material - cardboard, glass and aluminium foil - to create the solar oven in which a three-course meal was prepared for the media and several officials. Representatives from the then Ministry of Energy all sent their apologies for absence at the last minute!
"Rising countries like Jamaica need to improve and build against the onslaught from destructive forces," said Mr Clinton. "No one expects you to be perfect." He then described Colombia's fight against the narcotics trade. Narco-traffickers "owned" 30 per cent of Colombia until the government and people pushed back, to the point where they have reclaimed their capital Medellin, which recently hosted the 50th Anniversary celebrations of the Inter-American Development Bank. In the Colombia experience, he gave us this Q & A:
Q: Are the people in charge accused of excesses? A: Yes.
Q: Have they made progress? A: Yes.
Mr Clinton said that "disagreements are natural" but appealed to us to agree to "a core of central objectives ... Do not be discouraged by failure. Don't quit - do something else."
He referred to the once 'paralysed' Middle East that now has a new generation of leaders who have forged a partnership with Israel. In Bahrain, their government has agreed to share power equally with the private sector, with the single objective of improving their economic rating. Mr Clinton said that they had a world ranking of number 49 three years ago and had now moved up to number 13.
Mr Clinton wants us to look at Jamaica's strengths: "There is a reason why people keep coming here ... don't just work on your problems, work on your strengths."
Bill Clinton would have been pleased at the news that emerged the following day, when Professor Trevor Munroe, director of the National Integrity Action Forum, announced that Jamaica had improved her standing in the 2010 Corruption Perception Index. He said that Jamaica had "improved its global ranking from 99 out of 180 countries to 87 out of 178 countries after successive fall in rankings in 2007, 2008 and 2009."
People power seems to have had significant impact on this. Prof Munroe noted, "In 2008, a Don Anderson poll showed that Jamaicans for the first time regarded corruption as the second most important thing wrong with Jamaica ... This sentiment fuelled the widespread and overwhelming public demand for Christopher "Dudus" Coke's extradition and for upholding of the rule of law. Nine editorials/columns/letters in three newspapers in January 2010 rose to 216 in May."
Signs are that Jamaicans may be moving away from the constant haranguing which has neither dignity nor direction. On Thursday, news came that five private sector organisations had decided to resume talks with the government on the Partnership for Transformation, based on PM Golding's decision to establish a Commission of Enquiry into the Christopher Coke/Manatt issue.
Like Paula Llewellyn, Greg Christie and Danville Walker, let us be honest and energetic in doing the nation's business. Like the brave people of Rwanda, let us imagine a future very different from our recent past.