Thursday, July 5, 2012

Tatuaje-povesti scrise in suflet

Daca ati primit urmatoarele intrebari:
1.Sunt reale?
2.A durut?
3.Pot sa le ating?
4.Ce cred parintii tai?
5.Ce cred copiii tai?
6.Reprezinta ceva?
Inseamna ca aveti tatuaje.Sunt povesti scrise in piele pentru ca noi,tatuatii,nu am avut timp sa le punem pe hartie.
Raspunsul la 1 intrebare:Da,tatuajele mele sunt pe bune.Si sunt singurele lucruri cu adevarat reale din viata mea.
Raspunsul la a 2 a intrebare:Da,a durut cand au fost realizate.Atat de mult cata suferinta am indurat pana acum in viata asta pentru ca am mers pe principiul-Un barbat puternic nu face ceea ce trebuie ci ceea ce vrea!
Raspunsul la a 3 a intrebare:NU!
Raspunsul la a 4 a intrebare:Tatal meu uraste tatuajele mele si ale lui Alin pana in momentul cand spui ceva de rau fata de cerneala noastra din piele.Atunci devine scutul nostru numarul 1,bastionul nostru,cel mai mare aparator al nostru.
Raspunsul la a 5 a intrebare:Inca nu am copii si daca o sa vina vremea lor o sa-i educ sa nu judece lumea dupa culoarea pielii sau dupa tatuaje.
Raspunsul la a 6 a intrebare:Da.Inseamna totul numai ca nu e albumul tau de poze...


Nicki munches away on stage

Award winning singer/rapper Nicki Minaj Nando's restaurant staffs after she ordered £3,000 worth of their tasty take-away chicken in one go after her gig in Manchester last Thursday. Daily Star source close to the singer claimed she ordered 550 chicken legs, 300 chicken wings and 60 bottles of coke, adding it was enough to fill 'a whole car'.

In response A spokeswoman for Nando's restaurant confirmed Nicki is a fan. Hear her:
'A lot of the US artists are fans of Nando’s, like Rihanna,' she said. representative of the rapper said she probably had the order prearranged so she wouldn't miss closing time.

The Nando's in Spinningfield manchester where she made the order

'She finished her show at about 12 and she did a signing afterwards. I can't imagine Nando’s would have been open at that time. She was straight off back to America that night,' he said.
'She did a meet and greet thing after the show, and there was some after party that she went to. But I wouldn’t be surprised if she went to Nando's or had a big order from Nando's.'

Nicki's choice meals when on tour are:

For breakfast she has been known to order scrambled egg whites, turkey bacon, toast, Belgian waffles, strawberries, assorted juices and a large fruit platter.
Lunch meanwhile can consist of buckets of spicy fried chicken - no thighs, lot of wings - a large cheese platter, a deli tray filled with cold meats and a set of silverware to help shovel it all down.

With Ass like hers, well no amount of food should be too much.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


A Lifeguard Tomas Lopez's been fired for saving a drowning man.
Why? He left the section of a south Florida beach his company is paid to patrol. 

Lopez was on duty Monday at Hallandale Beach when a beachgoer asked for help. Lopez said he ran to assist a man struggling in the water south of his post.
By the time Lopez arrived, witnesses had pulled the drowning man out of the water. Lopez and an off-duty nurse helped him until paramedics arrived. The victim survived and was hospitalized.
For that, Lopez was fired.
Two other lifeguards have quit in protest.
On their part, his employesr the Orlando-based company, Jeff Ellis and Associates, says Lopez broke a company rule and could have put beachgoers in his section in jeopardy.


In an apparent departure from past wasteful spendings, President Goodluck Jonathan has banned official delegation to the 2012 Olympics in London.
Sports Minister, Bolaji Abdullahi, disclosed this on Wednesday at the end of the weekly Federal Executive Council (FEC) meeting presided over by President Goodluck Jonathan today.
Bolaji said: 
"This is to ensure that we have value for what are doing. Any governor or top government officials outside of the participating teams seen at the London Olympics will certainly not have travelled on federal government ticket.
“What I can assure you for a start is that there is not going to be any official Nigerian delegation to this Olympic. So this is the first time in a long while that I know that you will not have an official Nigerian delegation to the Olympics, a global event like this. 
"I want to also add that it is not always the case that there is anything wrong in officials being more than the athletes, for example you have only one boxer, that boxer must have a physiotherapist, a doctor, a coach, and even a psychologist in some cases.
" If you look at the American contingent, it is almost  like the contingents of many of the countries put together. What we are doing is that we are taking all reasonable measures to ensure that every single person that is going to the Olympics have a business in the Olympics. Of course Olympics is a public event and if you find a state governor in London, it doesn't mean that we are sponsoring him to be there, so he has the wherewithal to go by himself to go and watch  the Olympics. 
"But what I can assure you is that there is no official Nigerian delegation to the Olympics and that itself is a major one in ensuring that we have value for what we are doing," the minister concluded.
By the way, Nigeria at the African Athletics Championships recorded impressive results and set three new African records. Courtesy, Abdullahi's briefing of the FEC. 


Oprah Winfrey and dad Vernon Winfrey

Babara Winfrey, Oprah Winfrey's stepmom claims Oprah has used her fortune to take control of the family's barber shop Vernon Winfrey( Oprah's dad) has run for more than 50 years.

So now that 78-year-old Vernon has filed for divorce based on the ownership of the barbershop threatens to tear apart the Winfrey family apart.

Oprah paid $475,000 for the store in Nashville, Tennessee, when it was up for auction last week. the store had earlier gone into foreclosure.

Barbara Winfrey said the purchase means that Oprah, has gained control of the business and cut her out.

‘I know what is going on. I'm tired of it, and I've had enough,’ Barbara Winfrey told WSMV TV in Nashville.
‘People are giving him wrong advice, and it's leaving me in a situation where all I can do is fight for me.’
‘There is no reason for it to go into foreclosure like this. The property is upside down, which is what a lot of properties are. It cost us $481,000 to build this building, but it's only worth $350,000.’

On Oprah controlling her husband, she said:
‘He believes what he's told. His daughter doesn't care about the community. His daughter doesn't care about the barbershop. But I do.’

Barbara and her 78-year-old husband opened the barber shop a year ago to replace a store at a nearby location.
But the couple apparently fell behind on their mortgage payments and the red brick building went into foreclosure.
Barbara said she wanted to borrow more money from a bank but that on advice from his famous daughter Vernon refused to take out a loan.

Oprah's dad, Vernon said: 
‘My wife and I, we have not been getting along well, and I did not want to endow myself to another drawn-out, struggling debt.’

At the opening of the new barber shop Vernon said the premises would be his legacy to the community.
‘When I'm gone, I'm glad I'll be able to say I left the neighborhood looking nice,’ Winfrey said.
He said his daughter had urged him to give up cutting hair, but he planned to continue.
‘Some folks say, “Winfrey, you're kind of old to be doing it.” I say, “You're right, but I feel good,”’ he said.
Vernon said his famous daughter wanted him to retire.

In response to the accusations Oprah's spokesperson said: 

‘Oprah purchased the property that was in foreclosure.

‘Vernon Winfrey has been a fixture in the community for decades and will continue to manage the business on a day-to-day basis.’
Barbara said that her husband has since filed for divorce and believes he does not understand the decisions he is making.


Reports reaching us say, Nigerian airline, Dana has started compensating families of those who died when one of its planes crashed a month ago, with each family expected to get $100,000.
Dana Air plane crashed June 3 in the Iju area of Lagos, Nigeria, killing all 153 people onboard and an unspecified number on the ground.
Airline spokesman Tony Usidamen said today, Wednesday that nine families had received deposit payments of $30,000 so far, and will later get $70,000 more. He says 67 other claims are currently being processed.
In his words:
"...the airline is not thinking about flying now; we are more concerned about the accident victims' families."
The airline's already been grounded by the Nigerian government after the crash. The cause of the disaster? still a mystery.

Van Persie Não Vai Renovar

O atacante de 28 anos que tem mais um ano de contrato com o clube londrino Arsenal e já no mês de janeiro poderá assinar um pré-contrato com qualquer outra equipe optou por não prosseguir seu vinculo contratual.

“Eu pensei muito tempo sobre isso, mas decidi não estender meu contrato. Vocês, os fãs, claro que têm todo o direito de discordar da minha decisão e eu sempre vou respeitar a opinião de vocês”, afirmou o atacante holandês.

Autor de 37 gols em 48 jogos na última temporada, Van Persie deu indicações de que não deve permanecer no Arsenal na próxima temporada. Barcelona e Manchester City foram alguns dos clubes que manifestaram interesse no atleta.

O atacante também é um sonho do nosso atual treinador, que deve fazer de tudo para traze - lô ao clube.

Go Citizens!

JCC calls for Redemption and Unity

Jamaica Council of Churches calls for "Redemption" and unity for 50th Anniversary 6 August 2012.

The Jamaica Council of Churches (JCC) has called for "redemption," "liberation,"  "the righting of relationships,"  "restitution," and "debt-forgiveness" as the Country celebrates 50 Years of Independence on 6 August, 2102.  In an open letter to Churches, Politicians and Civil Society, JCC President RC Emeritus Archbishop Donald Reece called for an end to tribal politics  in Jamaica and in its place a year of Jubilee "to make our Christianity real: to forgive; to liberate and be liberated; to regularise relationships in families that are far from harmonious or life-giving; and to close the gap of "them and us" wherever we find it."
- Deacon Mike James
Read the full message from Archbishop Reece below:
We all agree that the celebration of this year's Independence is very special; it's a Jubilee Year observance.  From the perspective of our biblical tradition we consider such an observance expanding beyond mere joviality and merry-making.  It's a year of "redemption," "liberation,"  "the righting of relationships,"  "restitution," and "debt-forgiveness" (cf. Lev. 25).
Given these biblical characteristics of a Jubilee Year, the Jamaica Council of Churches is encouraging the membership of our Churches, the political directorate of each major Parties as well as the rank and file of the electorate and civil society to get a firm grip on the spiritual understanding of "Jamaica 50." Right now in our society there is a tremendous amount of "cass cass" and the usual tribal politics that we, as Christian followers of political Parties, have accepted as the norm.  This Jubilee Year is a call to make our Christianity real: to forgive; to liberate and be liberated; to regularise relationships in families that are far from harmonious or life-giving; and to close the gap of "them and us" wherever we find it.
Might this "Jamaica 50" not be an appropriate occasion to challenge our congregants and our political leaders to take the higher ground of nationhood, which takes into consideration the characteristics of Jubilee?  Proper to our situation is the unity we ought to seek as one people under God—a people forged by bitter, inhumane slavery, demeaning indentureship and the accompanying struggles resulting in freedom and liberation.
Conversely, the lower ground will forever plague us: divisiveness, negativity, the inability to work together for the common good for all Jamaicans, greed, and political one-upmanship.  St. Paul's admonition to the Galatians holds true for us today in Jamaica: "If you go snapping at each other and tearing each other to pieces, you had better watch or you will destroy the whole community" [Gal. 5: 15].  Where can we find the caliber statesmen/women who will eschew the lower ground for the salvation of the community?  Where?
The Jamaica Council of Churches makes this urgent public appeal to one and all to seek the higher ground which is in keeping with the lofty ideals enshrined in our nation's motto, our national anthem, and our pledge.  "Jamaica 50" demands that higher ground now!

+Donald J. Reece    

 Archbishop Emeritus of Kingston

President of the Jamaica Council of Churches

29 June 2012

Sent from my BlackBerry® device from Digicel


Según Carlos Villagrán, Doña Florinda y Quico romanceaban en la vida real…

La supuesta infidelidad de Florinda Meza, "Doña Florinda", con Carlos Villagrán, "Quico", provocó revuelo en los paises donde el programa "El Chavo del 8" continúa por décadas en los primeros lugares de sintonía.

La confesión de Villagrán de haber mantenido un romance con Florinda Meza, su madre en la referida emisión y actual esposa de Roberto Gómez Bolaños("El Chavo", "Chespirito"), ocupó  las primeras planas en la prensa y fue objeto de comentarios en la televisión.

"'Doña Florinda' cuerniaba (engañaba) a 'El Chavo' con 'Quico'", señaló en su peculiar lenguaje el diario popular "La Cuarta" en su portada, al reproducir las "confesiones" de Villagrán: "No lo voy a negar. Fue durante el rodaje de 'El Chavo del 8' hace mucho tiempo". 

El titular de portada agregó: "Fue sin querer queriendo, pero siempre se supo que a la vieja chancluda le gustaba 'Quico'", agregó.

En su página de espectáculos, el periódico explicó que "la bronca entre 'Chespirito' y Carlos Villagrán se remonta a la década de los años 70, cuando 'Quico' era el enamorado de Florinda Meza y 'El Chavo' se la quitó para llevársela al barril".

En Perú, en un programa de televisión, Villagrán no sólo reconoció sus vínculos amorosos con Florinda Meza, actual esposa de Gómez Bolaños, sino que arremetió contra éste, a quien acusa de avaro y de ser golpeado por su esposa.

La relación entre Carlos Villagrán y Florinda Meza se terminó cuando ella se convirtió en pareja de Gómez Golaños, en 1977, durante una visita de la compañía a Chile, anotó por su parte "Las Últimas Noticias".

La publicación señaló además que Florinda se excusó de opinar sobre "temas personales", pero su representante, César Rattoni, declaró que "ninguna persona le ha hecho más daño al grupo y a Roberto (Gómez Bolaños) que Carlos".

"En cuanto tiene oportunidad, despotrica con declaraciones sucias. No sé hasta dónde va a llegar con esto", enfatizó. 

Respecto de la relación amorosa de "Quico" con Florinda Meza, Rattoni se limitó a señalar: "En todos los grupos de actores hay ciertas afinidades y amistades más marcadas, pero no sé por qué hablar estas cosas".

"Que Tej nura"

Cafe con Pipi? #NoMeHaEsooo

Se detecta orina en el café que tomaban en una oficina pública

¿Orina en el café? Esa es la denuncia que han realizado los empleados públicos de la oficina del Registro de la Propiedad en Granada ante un juzgado de Guadix tras los resultados en un laboratorio privado.
El café no tenía el sabor habitual y tenía un hedor a orines. Esto puso en alerta a los trabajadores del Registro de la Propiedad en una oficina de Granada. Mandaron analizar la bebida a un laboratorio que les confirmó, según consta en la denuncia, la presencia de orina en el café. Ahora, un juzgado de Guadix ha abierto diligencias.
De momento, la Guardia Civil ha precintado la cafetera y el juzgado tratará de averiguar la procedencia de esos orines, que en principio pone en el ojo del huracán a todas las personas que tienen acceso a estas dependencias del Registro de la Propiedad de Guadix.
El juzgado de Guadix en colaboración con la Guardia Civil trata de determinar quién o quiénes depositaron en la cafetera de esta oficina los excrementos líquidos que algunos empleados detectaron mientras bebían un café. El autor o autores, si son descubiertos, se enfrentarán a penas de cárcel.

Cual Número habrá salido?

Esta joven estaba rifando su virginidad para costear sus estudios universitarios, segun ella.
El valor por boleto era RD$1000 pesos & la fecha de esta gran rifa era el dia 1 de julio.
No sabe porque via se iba anunciar el ganador.

Heather Gables Bios

Heather Gables

Heather Gables

Birthday: March 6, 1983
Astrology: Pisces
Birthplace: California
Started Porn: 2004
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Nationality: American
Hair Color: Blonde
Height: 5'2"
Bra: 34A
Waist: 28
Hip: 36
Weight: 110 lbs

Wikipedia Heather Gables
IMDb Heather Gables
Speedl Heather Gables

Don't Tell My Daddy starring Heather Gables
Swallow My Children starring Heather Gables
Be My Bitch 6 starring Heather Gables

jalando perico, LOL

ROBIN VAN PERSIE GIVES ARSENAL THE BOMBSHELL - "i'll not be renewing my contract!"

Arsenal's captain, Robin Van Persie has announced that he will not be renewing his contract with arsenal.

He then went on to say that, during a meeting with Wenger and Gazidis, it had “become clear to me that we in many aspects disagree on the way Arsenal FC should move forward

definitivamente #NuncaTanto

Encarcelado por decir que Dios no existe!
Un funcionario de Indonesia escribió en Facebook: “Dios no existe” y por esas palabras ha sido encarcelado. ¿Los motivos? Insultar al Islam y caricaturizar a Mahoma en la red social.
El condenado fue musulmán hasta 2008, año que renegó de su fe porqué no creía en un Dios. Decía que si existiera un Dios no habría desastres ni crímenes.
En ese momento creó una página en Facebook para dar a conocer su opinión y además colgó una caricatura de Mahoma.
La religión musulmana prohíbe cualquier representación de cualquier profeta.


Farouk Lawan, the new currency drafted.



Yo-Yo mode

Inventos para los Ronquidos

Cuando alguien roca impide que su cuerpo descanse al 100% y tampoco deja hacerlo a los de su alrededor. Así que el ronquido es un problema para la persona que lo sufre y para los que “duermen” con ella.
Pues han inventado varios aparatos anti ronquidos.Uno es como un pañuelo anudado a la cabeza. Su precio es de unos 120 dólares.

No es el único invento que han diseñado para los que roncan. También hay una almohada que se conecta a un ordenador que se coloca en la mesita de noche. Pues este aparato capta los ronquidos y hace que aumente el tamaño de la almohada para facilitar el flujo de aire en el roncador. 

Es decir, el cojín se hincha para que el que ronca pueda respirar mejor.
También hay el osito de peluche que evita que ronques. Cuando escucha un ruido se mueve y así cambias de postura y dejas de roncar.

"No es apto para lectores lentos"

Una editorial independiente de Argentina ha irrumpido en el mercado con un innovador concepto: un libro impreso con tinta que desaparece.

"El libro que no puede esperar", es una publicación de la casa independiente EternaCadencia, que llegó con el proyecto como una forma de promover a jóvenes autores, a los cuales si la gente no lee su primer lo libro, nunca van llegar a un segundo. 

Los libros vienen sellados, y una vez que se quita el envoltorio de plástico y las hojas tienen contacto con el aire, la tinta comienza a "envejecer". A partir de ese momento, los lectores tienen 60 días para leerlo, ya que transcurrido ese lapso, el texto se desvanecerá.

En un mundo en el que los e-readers como el Kindle o el Nook tienen cada vez más participación en el mercado, ¿puede un concepto como el de los "libros que desaparecen" llegar a sobrevivir? Pues bien, a juzgar por las estadísticas de la primera de impresión del libro mágico, ¡sin duda! La pequeña editorial vendió su lote completo en un solo día, lo que demuestra que todavía hay vida en la palabra impresa.

"Esta vez tuvimos la garantía de que nuestros nuevos autores fueron leídos," dicen orgullosos en la Librería. fuente/noticiaslocas.


have a blast gal xxx

"Que Vaina"

El Bombón Asesino’ sufre las consecuencias de inyectarse 4 veces aceite mineral en las Nalgas.
Nos enteramos que Ninel Conde enfrenta actualmente un problema de salud como el de Alejandra Guzmán, pues tras haberse inyectado las pompas para aumentar su volumen, la sustancia se le está yendo a la espalda baja y eso le provoca fuertes dolores.
Una amiga cercana al ‘Bombón Asesino’ reveló: “Me contó que cada semana se hace ultrasonidos porque le están tratando de quitar la sustancia que se inyectó, la cual resultó ser aceite mineral, que es como el de bebé, pero sin aroma”.
Las molestias comenzaron a partir de los ensayos de ‘Aventurera’ y a pesar de que el aceite se hace duro entre los músculos de los glúteos, a Ninel se le empezó a derramar porque se puso mucho para verse impresionante.


Policia Despedida por su adición al sexo

Jessica Pafrey es señalada de haber acosado sexualmente a varios ex compañeros de trabajo en Sidney, Australia.
La australiana Jessica Pafrey fue separada de sus funciones en la policía, después de que fuera acusada de acosar sexualmente a varios compañeros de profesión.
La primera víctima de Jessica fue su supervisor, a quien le pidió tener un encuentro íntimo en un par de ocasiones, sin embargo, la respuesta fue negativa a pesar de la insistencia de la joven.
“¿No podemos simplemente hacerlo y salir, soy una joven de 19 años de edad”, sostuvo la oficial, quien tiempo después le ofreció sexo oral a un compañero en el baño de un bar y a otro más, pero ambos la rechazaron.
“Yo sé que ustedes me quieren”, les dijo la mujer.
Un oficial más acusó a Jessica de llamarlo 12 veces, de mandarle 6 mensajes de texto y de ofrecerle su asesoría para ayudarlo a aprobar sus exámenes de la policía, sin embargo, la condición era de que por cada respuesta correcta debería de desprenderse de una prenda de ropa.
Tras perder su trabajo, Jessica demandó a la comisaría por su despido, pero su alegato no procedió.
Agencia Tv Notas



"Feliz 4 de Julio"

PASTOR KRIS OKOTIE'S WIFE OPENS UP!!! "...Liars wrecked my marriage!"

Chris Okotie's wife, Stephanie, has opened up, she tells the story of their collapsed marriage in soulful posts on her Facebook page.

Writing on her Facebook account (Stephanie Adie Henshaw), which appeared to have been opened a few days after the separation, she indicated that the separation was not her initiative.

In her words:

“Today makes it three weeks I was asked for a separation and a week and four days I packed out. Romans 8:28: ‘All things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them. I am as shocked as most people are, as there has not been an argument in my home. In over a year we have been as happy as everybody thought we were. I wait because I know in time God will make known what has gone wrong.”
In other postings, Henshaw, who has gone back to her maiden name, disclosed that she had known her ex husband for almost two decades.
“Twenty years I have known a man, 15 years we have been the closest friends. I prepared all his meals for 10 years, including the four years we were married. The day I was asked to leave I prepared his meal, served it and I left. For the four years he never fell ill but today I am called all sorts of names -’ ‘witch’, and ‘mermaid spirit.’ I have served Jesus with clean hands and a clean heart. I have loved all that have come my way and if I do not live through this pain and hurt as sure as Jesus lives my children will see my vindication.”
Speaking through various other posts, an obviously aggrieved Henshaw, also gave hints that she was implicated and falsely accused by ‘certain church members’.

“Lies, not from the world but the church; accusations not from the world, but the church. Where are the spirit filled Christians, the ones who fear and hear the Lord. My husband loves and adores me; he is not the one saying these things, the enemies from within who hate me. They hate the grace God showed me. They hate the mercy God has had on me. So, they come up with all kinds of lies. My going can bring one Mrs. Okotie, but what happens to the rest of you? You bring shame to the body of Christ out of your jealousy and selfish desire and in the process expose your pastor. The work he has to do cost Jesus his life, don’t joke with it. Our friendship is not based on marriage. You manipulate things at the expense of God’s work and name. It is not about me. It has never been: it is about the will of God.’’

In another post, Henshaw, who hails from Cross River State, prays for a vindication.

She cries, “Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy! I look to you for protection. I will hide beneath the shadow of your wing until the danger passes by. Vindicate me, Lord. All things are open before you, righteous judge. I remain still, speak on my behalf. I submitted to the end. I did all I was asked to do, Lord. I left that home blameless before you. I have loved but have not been loved. I have given and not received; but that is contrary to your word, Lord. So, today I ask your word be made manifest in my life.”

Our prayer is still that God's will, will eventually prevail irrespective of it all.

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Tuesday, July 3, 2012


In what appears to be a change of heart, rihanna's dad has given his nod to a Chris Brown - Rihanna reunion. in his words, Fenty told Britain's Grazia magazine, 
"Chris has matured a lot. I think everybody has to put the past behind them. And they seem to have done that.
"Being a couple is all up to her. Every decision is her decision. I just wish her the best. I hope things will work out. Everyone is entitled to make a mistake. Her fans are hoping it will happen. They see them as a perfect couple."
Rihanna's currently travellled back to barbados to comfort her Mom over the loss of her grand mom. All rihanna concerts remain - no cancellation of any events whatsoever.


Today 9:00pm, Tuesday 3rd July, 2012 there's been a Reported incidence of an explosion that's rocked Park n Shop, Banex Plaza, Wuse, Abuja - Nigeria.

Please residents in Abuja should not go near scene of explosion because there's still fear of secondary explosions.

Eye witness report says at 09:00pm nigerian time, bomb was thrown under a car. One person injured's been rushed to the hospital, the entire area's been condoned off by security operatives.

NEMA says:

"When we were trying to find out what is happening, the anti-bomb squad discovered another one. They just detonated it," the head of NEMA's Abuja office, Ishaya Chonoko, told journalists at the scene.

NEMA says so far no human casualty.

We'll keep updating you as situation unfolds!!!